Do Your Part
There are so many problems in our environment that you may not even notice. Learn how your actions are affecting it and how you can change them.

Global Warming is Real

Learn how to make better use of the natural resources in your life. Energy sources that come from burning fossil fuels emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the air and contributes to global warming. Other greenhouse gassses like methane and nitrous oxide are released into our atmospehere as result of various human activities that we need to stop or regualate. Since 1880, the Earth's global temperature has increased by 2° Farenheit or more than 1° Celcius.


Reduce how much waste you put into the environment and use products that were made in consideration to our planet. Consider using renewable sources in your home such as solar and wind for energy! Living sustainably can also reduce the amount of energy being used that can emit greenhouse gasses. Shrink your Carbon footprint!